In November 1974, the first acorns were sown by our own (grand)dad Geert. This made him start growing trees in addition to raising cattle and growing vegetables.
Frank joins Roelands partnership
In 1984, Frank joined a partnership with his parents. At that time, they decided to focus more on growing plants. There is still a lot of manual work, no staff and bare-root cultivation of plants on about 5 hectares.
Roelands Nurseries VOF
Marina joins the company as administrative assistant. Together they continue as Roelands Boomkwekerijen VOF. Geert and Miet do not join the VOF, but still lend a hand.
Beginning container cultivation
After several years of focusing on growing root crops, container cultivation joined the range around 2008. At the time, this was quite new to the tree nursery sector, but it had a number of advantages. The main reason was to be able to supply year-round plants. It also spread the workload a bit more over the year to have less intense peak moments during the year. In addition, you became less dependent on the quality of the soil on which you grew. Over the years, several pot fields were created for this purpose.
Expansion of buildings
Necessary staff have joined the team. As a result, we have now moved with the office from inside the house to a new 'Roelandsrood' office. An additional tool shed has also been built to match the company's growth.
New shed & transition to BV
The two sheds became too small, so a third shed was added. The roof of this shed was completely filled with solar panels. This way, the company was ready for the future. From this point on, the company continued as a private limited company. To this day, the name is still the same as it was back then: Roelands Boomkwekerijen BV.
Takeover on the way - new shed
Talks about a takeover by daughter Rowy and son Jelle began in 2018. Frank & Marina wanted to kickstart this meet: one large shed (including offices) was built on the site of the 2 oldest barns. That way they 'could go on for a while'.
3rd generation in the business
In 2020 came the official moment of Rowy and Jelle taking over. But mum and dad didn't leave - 'Certainly we're not going to stop!' So to this day, they are fortunately still closely involved in the business process as directors, the 4 of them in total.