
How can you join our friendly team?

Join the team!

Below are all currently open vacancies.

Should there be nothing for you in between - no problem!

There is always an open vacancy available and the great thing is: you get to fill it yourself!

Indeed, we are always open to passionate people who are eager to join our team. 

So don't hesitate and contact us!


All-round employee tree nursery

CLA Open Crops
No experience required

Orchard internship

Internship fee
No experience required

Open application

To be determined
Full-time, Part-time, Internship
No experience required

Working at Roelands Boomkwekerijen BV

We aim to create the most pleasant working atmosphere possible and go quite far in doing so. We try to make everyone's work as easy and fun as possible. Many of our colleagues therefore like the fact that no day is the same. Everyone is busy all day long in different places - outside and inside - doing all kinds of work. But everyone's day has three similarities: coffee at 10:00, lunch at 12:00 and coffee at 15:00 - this is how we update each other every day on the news in and around the nursery.

Why with us?

We dare to say we have the liveliest team have in the tree nursery industry - but everyone says that, right? I can prove it for you:

We have hardly any turnover of colleagues. And only in 2024, just before our 50th anniversary, did we have to roll out our first vacancy. For this, everyone came knocking on the door of their own accord and most stayed. That's saying something, right?

In addition, the informal atmosphere that comes with a family business - we think. Thus, neighbours, relatives and acquaintances regularly come for coffee at the 10 or 3 o'clock hour to catch up. Everyone is welcome!

You can go either way

The focus is on growing forest and hedge plants in open ground & containers. Whereas grandpa Geert used to do this by sowing, caring for and digging up the plants, nowadays much more is involved. Plants have to be sold, orders entered, webshops maintained, administrative tasks carried out, etc. - you name it!

So these days, we have many tasks in and around our nursery that we take care of with about 20 permanent colleagues every day, so you can do anything!

What does such a day look like?

We will present you with a day, a Friday of a colleague working in the nursery. For someone in the office, of course, it is slightly different, but then you have an idea.

We start in the morning in the canteen, where we wish each other a good morning. Here we divide the tasks for the day, where there is also room for you to do your own. Then you go load plants for shipment in the shed (it's so dark these days, so you'd rather go out later). Then someone from the office will give you a last-minute order with it, if you would like to help with those to suits? Sure!


After which, at 10 o'clock, everyone gathered back in the canteen for a cup of coffee with an apple turnip as a treat - is it someone's birthday already!


We go outside: sowing, digging up, planting or maintaining plants, what's on the agenda again that day? This time it is planting, the five of us put on some music and plant - time flies: it will soon be noon again, time for sandwiches, it is the first Friday of the month.


In the afternoon, we will maintenance do, this time we will clear fields. Then colleagues can get on with the new load of potted plants they are working on the hoard are. At 3 o'clock some more coffee and we end the day with some work in the greenhouse - it started raining.


We end this Friday in the canteen with a beer, some are listening to bad music again and previewing the weekend. Sounds like a good plan, have a good weekend!